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Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources Unsourced material may be challenged and removed James "Jimmy Nap" Napoli ( – ) The ancient Forcella area of the southern city of Naples is home to some of the country's toughest gangs and is rife with mafia crime carried out by the notorious Camorra

ナポリ マフィア サッカー

ナポリ マフィア サッカー-The Camorra (Italian ;Neapolitan ) is an Italian Mafiatype criminal organization and criminal society originating in the region of CampaniaIt is one of the oldest and largest criminal

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 First thing's first yes the Mafia does still exist in Naples The "Camorra" is the name of the Mafia that operates in this area and it is one of the largest groups in the country TheNaples Mafia by Dirk Lemmons The OIG Original Internet Gangster ndrangheta,Calabrian Mafia,The Calabrian,The Mafia,The ndrangheta,Mafia,The Mafia,Cosa Nostra,Italian The Camorra Never Sleeps For years before they caught him, the Italian police had no idea that Paolo Di Lauro was one of Naples's most powerful crime bosses, running a drug and

Jimmy Nap Napoli – The King of the Numbers Game While in 1976 Jimmy Napoli already had served a sixmonth contempt sentence during a probe of fixed boxing matches at the old tombsIn the city of Naples, Italy, the Mafia has controlled the wastemanagement industry for decades dumping and burning trash across its rolling hills and vi ゴミ処理がマフィアの収入源に ナポリの未回収ごみ問題に見るマフィアのごみビジネスの現状 写真9枚 国際ニュース AFPBB News 同氏によれば、ナポリおよびカンパニ

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